News on doping in sport

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NIne Tour de France riders has received anti-doping sanctions in the past

Nine of the riders participating in the 2015 edition of the Tour de France has been either banned or received some sort of sanction for doping in the past. UCI and the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) has renewed their cooperation agreement for this years race.

New Zealand weightlifter systematically evaded drug testing - banned for eight years

A New Zealand weightlifter has been banned from participating in all sport for eight years for his “systematic and ongoing” attempts to evade drug testing.

Drug testing laboratory marks 25 years of keeping sport clean

A team of Australian scientists is marking 25 years of defending the goal-line against prohibited performance enhancing substances in sport.

Azerbaijan runner suspended from Euro Games

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) announced today that Chaltu Beji of Azerbaijan has been found to have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under EOC Anti-Doping Rules applicable to the Baku 2015 European Games, and has been suspended from participation at the Games.

Rasmussen fears top riders are doping

In a chat with the readers of the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet, Michael Rasmussen said that he hoped none of the top riders in the peleton was doping, but their achievements in the mountains do raise questions.

TADC praised success of ADN partnership

18 June 2015: President of the Turkish Olympic Committee and WADA Executive Committee and Foundation Board member, Professor Dr. Ugur Erdener, has today praised the success of the recent partnership between Anti-Doping Norway (ADN) and the Turkish Anti-Doping Commission (TADC) in a pledge to stamp out drugs in Turkish sport.

First UK athlete to be banned for four years by UKAD

Weightlifter Andrew Riddiford has received a four year suspension after testing positive for a steroid. He is the first athlete UKAD suspends for four years.

WADA signatories removed from Code’s non-compliant list

WADA announced that, following a circular vote of its Foundation Board members, the Board has removed six signatories from the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code’s non-compliant list.

WADA publishes anti-doping statistics

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published the Anti-Doping Rule Violation Statistics for 2013.

Albanian Boxer Rexhildo Zeneli Tests Positive for Furosemide

Albanian boxer Rexhildo Zeneli faces adversity after testing positive for Furosemide, a diuretic pill.

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