
We have created some factual articles on doping in sport. You can find these below.

EPO – the synthetic Blood Doping Method

Artificially produced Erythropoietin was approved as a medicine in 1989. Not long after, athletes – especially in endurance sports – started using the substance.

Blood Doping - the risks of boosting your blood

Blood doping is used by sports athletes to improve endurance and performance. By using methods or medicines to produce more red blood cells, the blood can carry more oxygen.

Oxandrolone - a weight gain medicine used to build more muscle

What is Oxandrolone? A drug that has sidelined 390 athletes after testing positive.

Doping In Sport by definitions

Sport at its highest level is a celebration of human potential, a showcase of discipline, perseverance, and fair competition. Doping does not fit into that image.

FAQ - Definitions and interpretation

Definitions and interpretations in relation to sport and anti-doping

Clenbuterol in Anti-Doping: Cases, Uses & Classification

Clenbuterol - From asthma medicine treatment to doping risk. Read about doping cases and athlete implications.

LGD-4033 in Anti-Doping: Cases, Uses & Classification

Learn more about LGD-4033: a controversial substance in sports, with medical potential, doping cases, and athlete implications.

Meldonium in Anti-Doping: Cases, Uses & Classification

Unmasking the Power of Meldonium: Exploring Doping Cases, Medical Applications, and Classification in Anti-Doping Regulations.

Erythropoietin in Anti-Doping: Cases, Uses & Classification

Unmasking the Power of EPO: Exploring Doping Cases, Medical Applications, and Classification in Anti-Doping Regulations.

What is clostebol, a substance that banned many athletes?

Clostebol, a mild anabolic steroid that has really got on the radar since 2016 when high profile athletes started testing positive for the substance.

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