News on doping in sport

Stay informed on clean competition and anti-doping measures through the Anti-Doping Database.

Russian Athletics Federation accepts full suspension

The Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) has accepted a full suspension from all events organized by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). This was decided during the IAAF Council Meeting in Monaco.

Doping in Ski jumping

There aren't many doping cases in ski jumping and there has been a while since the last athlete was suspended.

Doping in Biathlon

EPO is the most used substance used by athletes in biathlon and who has been sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation.

IAAF decides to suspend Russian from events

The International Athletics Federation (IAAF) to suspend Russia from international events.

Russian Olympic Committee to start reforming Russian sports

President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Alexander Zhukov has met International Olympic Committee (IOC) IOC President Thomas Bach to discuss the findings of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission Report. ROC signaled they are undertaking actions in order to participate at the Olympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016 with clean athletes.

Tennis star Djokovic critizies whereabout program

Tennis number one, Novak Djokovic, has again criticized the whereabout program.

Doping in tennis

Stimulants and anabolic steroids most used among dopers in tennis

WADA suspends Moscow Anti-Doping Center

The World Anti-Doping Agency has suspended the accreditation of the Moscow Antidoping Center.

Russian Athletics Federation will report to IAAF

The Russian Federation will submit a document to the IAAF documenting their efforts to stop doping in Russian athletics.

Russian Athletes reacts to possible suspension

The Russian Athletics Federation has published four statements from athletes. All hope to compete at the Rio Summer Olympic Games in 2016

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