Russian Athletics Federation will report to IAAF

The Russian Federation will submit a document to the IAAF documenting their efforts to stop doping in Russian athletics.


The Russian Athletics Federation is currently actively studying the materials of the WADA independent commission report. In a press release, the federation writes: We reaffirm our commitment to the creation of a modern system of athletics in the country, open to cooperation with international and national athletic organizations, including in the fight against doping. This work we are in accordance with the program adopted by the Bureau of the VFLA in April and supported by the delegates of the Conference of the reporting November 2, 2015. VFLA new leadership, the Russian national team have focused on the development of preventive measures against doping. We actively cooperate with the anti-doping program RUSADA education for different categories of athletes and coaches. This VFLA strictly prohibits any violations of anti-doping rules as the athletes and coaches and specialists working in athletics. In August VFLA took the unprecedented decision not to include the Russian national team to participate in the World Cup walkers, regardless of their previous achievements. From the works were suspended some coaches, on the activities of a number of specialists still under investigation. Disqualifications are subject to athletes who have violated anti-doping rules, regardless of previous titles and results. Russian Athletics Federation will continue to firmly suppress any attempts to violate the anti-doping legislation and to adequately respond to the specific allegations contained in the conclusions of the Commission. VFLA soon submit to the International Association of Athletics Federations document, which will include a program of anti-doping activities VFLA, concrete steps for its implementation (including the already taken), as well as its response to the findings and conclusions of the independent commission of WADA. We are ready for serious strategic partnership with the IAAF, including ways to overcome existing in Russian and world track and field problems. (Translated using Google Translate)

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