WADA independent commission recommends harsh reactions

The WADA Independent Commission led by former WADA-president Dick Pound, recommends harsh reactions after their investigation shows doping put in system.


In the 335 page long report concludes the following:

  • That the Director of the Moscow Laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov, be permanently removed from his position.
  • That the WADA accreditation of the Moscow Laboratory be revoked.
  • That RUSADA be declared Code non-compliant.
  • That the Code non-compliant status of RUSADA shall remain in effect until WADA determines otherwise pursuant to a reasoned decision.
  • That the Russian Ministry of Sport shall ensure that RUSADA and any eventual accredited laboratory have adequate budgets to ensure that, in such a large and important sports country, an effective anti-doping program can effectively be implements.
  • That all necessary steps be taken to remove and prevent any actions by state agencies (including the FSB) that may affect the independence of the anti-doping program in Russia.
The commission found evidence that some 1400 doping samples were destroyed. - We believe they were not just from athletics athlete, but from other sports as well, said Dick Pound in a press conference in Switzerland. The report can be found here: https://wada-main-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/resources/files/wada_independent_commission_report_1_en.pdf

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