WADA appoints new members for Athlete Committee

Seven leading athletes from seven different sports have been appointed to WADA’s Athlete Committee.


Australian Matt Dunn (swimming), Annelies Vandenberghe (korfball) of Belgium, USA’s Nina Kemppel (cross-country skiing) and Argentine Felipe Contepomi (rugby) will begin terms in January of next year and serve through to Dec. 2014. For the first time the Committee will also include three observers, who are all current athletes and will give additional support during the Code Review Process. The observers are Mexican sailor Tania Calles, Irish boxer Ken Egan and Canadian rower Andréanne Morin. Extending their terms with the Committee are former world sprint champion Frankie Fredericks and Paralympic nordic skiing silver medalist Katarzyna Rogowiec. Both have been nominated for three more years. “The ethos of fair play is essential to the spirit of sport and in ensuring a level playing field for all,\" said Contepomi (pictured), one of the star players at French club Stade Francais. \"As players we have a collective responsibility to educate the next generation of athletes at all levels.\" Rower Morin, a silver medalist with the Canadian eight at the 2010 and 2011 world championships, is also looking forward to making a contribution to the fight against doping sport. “I am inspired to fight doping in sport because I believe in fair play - every athlete should be able to look across the start line or face his opponent before a match,” explained Morin. “Athletes should have the peace of mind that nothing other than natural athletic abilities and mental focus separates him from their competitors.” The Athlete Committee, which was approved by the WADA Foundation Board on Nov. 20, was established in 2005 and represents the views and rights of athletes worldwide. Members have a key role in helping WADA develop more effective detection, education and awareness programs, and also how better to understand the challenges faced by vulnerable athletes.

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