Responses from anti-doping organizations

UKAD awaits actions following the WADA report published Monday. While USADA is applauding the work of the WADA Independent Commission.


Nicole Sapstead, Chief Executive UK Anti-Doping said: - UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) welcomes the report published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission and awaits the actions which must inevitably follow from such a damning report. - The Independent Commission’s findings highlight that the international playing field has not been level for our clean British athletes competing on the global stage. Today’s findings will go some way to levelling that playing field for our athletes, and the whistle-blowers and media should be applauded for bringing these issues to WADA’s attention. - UKAD relies on information from a wide range of sources in order to deter and detect doping in sport. No matter how big or small, if anyone has information which they feel is important they can report it to us in confidence, so we can continue to protect the rights of clean athletes, and everyone’s right to clean sport. If you are concerned that doping is taking place, tell UKAD in confidence by calling 08000 32 23 32 or report it online via Statement from USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart on the Russia Report In a statement from USADA, CEO Travis T. Tygart writes: “USADA applauds the work of the WADA Independent Commission, led by Mr. Pound, in exposing a Russian effort to takeover sport through unlawful means. The evidence released today demonstrates a shocking level of corruption, and sends a clear message to Russia that they will not be allowed to cheat the world’s athletes and escape justice behind a wall of deception and lies. If Russia has created an organized scheme of state-supported doping, then they have no business being allowed to compete on the world stage. The world’s athletes deserve better, and all who love clean sport must rise up and confront this threat. We will continue to fight on behalf of all clean athletes to ensure that clear and decisive action is taken to sweep out anyone who has been involved with this scheme.”

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