Doping in Basketball

Cannabis is the most commonly used substance amongst those athletes who has been banned for doping in basketball.


Out of the 126 cases we have registered in the Anti-Doping Database 51 has tested positive for cannabinoidis. US has the most cases with 44 banned athletes, while New Zealand has banned 13. Sweden has banned seven, while Norway has five doping cases in basketball. Cocaine is the second most used substance. Ten athletes has tested positive for the narcotic drug. 39 of the athletes received a two year suspension. Five players has been suspended for life. FIBA has no anti-doping section The new website of International Basketball Federation (FIBA) do not have an anti-doping section. The old website do have a section and do also publish information on athletes who has been sanctioned for an anti-doping rule violation. Hopefully the old section will be moved to the new website. National publishing practise The top four countries on the list only USA and New Zealand publishes names and more information about the doping cases. Both countries also publishes the legal papers. Sweden is about to change practice and are publishing more information. Norway only publishes sport, substance and the length of the sanction. Publishing of doping cases in Norway is handled by the Norwegian Confederation of Sports.

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