DCU wants Verbruggen out of UCI

The Danish Cycling Union wants to remove Hein Verbruggen from his position at the International Cycling Union (UCI).


In a Danish TV-show, Deadline, aired on November 4, 2012 the president of the DCU, Tom Lund, said that they have written a letter to the UCI that they want former UCI-president Hein Verbruggen removed from the UCI. Verbruggen was president of the UCI from 1991 till 2005. He has continued in the UCI as an honorary president. Verbruggen is also a honorary member of the IOC. The Norwegian cycling federation also want UCI to remove Verbruggen from the union. Watch the Danish TV-program Deadline here where they also have an interview with Tyler Hamilton: http://www.dr.dk/tv/se/deadline/deadline-182#!/

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