China leads government commitment to match IOC Anti-Doping Research Fund

Montreal, September 4, 2014: Following the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) pledge to invest US $10 million in anti-doping research, China has become the first country to formally announce its contribution to a government equivalent fund.


In December 2013, the IOC President Thomas Bach announced that the organization would invest US $10 million to fund innovative athlete-centered anti-doping research, including new techniques for the detection of prohibited substances and methods, and further called on governments to match the amount. Since this time, WADA President Sir Craig Reedie has been encouraging governments of the world to pledge their own support to protecting clean athletes by making commitments before 16 November to make contributions that will help raise the total research fund for the joint IOC / WADA initiative to US $20 million. As a result, the Vice Premier of State Council for China, Ms. Liu Yandong, has become the first national government leader to commit support by contributing $1M to the cause. WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie: “WADA is hugely appreciative of the support shown from the Chinese government in contributing to this fund for innovative anti-doping research. This marks a significant step forward for the anti-doping community. “The IOC’s initial commitment to the research, and the signal sent by the Chinese government, provides an excellent example of how sport and government can work together for the greater anti-doping good and, importantly, to help give athletes the level playing field they so deserve.” “Following a very productive personal meeting on a wide range of anti-doping matters with the Vice Premier of China, Ms. Liu Yandong, I would like to offer my thanks to her government and also to Mr. Liu Peng, the Minister for Sport for China and President of the Chinese Olympic Committee, for their strong demonstrations of support in the protection of the rights of clean athletes. China has led the way and set an example for other national governments to follow. Over the coming weeks, as the IOC’s 16 November deadline approaches, I will continue to engage governments and encourage them to follow China’s lead so that we can keep sport clean for all athletes.” IOC President, Thomas Bach: “It is vital for the future of sport that we protect the clean athletes; that is why I so warmly welcome this contribution by the Chinese government. I urge other governments to follow suit and match the ten million dollars the IOC has provided to improve anti-doping research. “Without clean athletes there can be no credible competition, and without credible competition sport will also cease to be attractive to spectators and fans and would ultimately wither and die\" Vice Premier of China, Ms. Liu Yandong: “I would like to thank WADA for its significant contribution to the development of anti-doping in China over the course of many years. Sport is an integral part of social development. The Chinese government always attaches great importance to the development of sport and its instrumental role in society, and anti-doping plays a critical role in the healthy development of the Olympic Movement. The Chinese government is continuously committed to the fight against doping in sport, and the promotion of clean sport and upholding a \"zero tolerance\" of doping. “China has always paid great attention to cooperating with WADA, and is committed to making its own contribution to the international fight against doping under WADA\'s leadership. The Chinese government commends and supports the IOC\'s investment in anti-doping research and President Sir Craig Reedie\'s promotion of this initiative among governments to match the amount. China will contribute one million US dollars to fund innovative anti-doping research to develop more effective ways of detecting doping substances, and to help protect clean athletes and maintain the purity of sport.” USA also to fund innovative anti-doping research The United States of America – through the United States Federal Government recognized and supported US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and its partners – has also confirmed it intends to fund $6M to innovative global anti-doping research over the course of the next three years. This commitment is being made by the Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC), who will spend US $3 million on research in 2014 alone. PCC Executive Director, Michael Pearlmutter: “The PCC is thrilled to have the IOC contribute new funds to WADA for scientific research and development to protect the rights of clean athletes and the integrity of sport.”

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