Brazil and Spain join forces to fight doping in sport

Brazil and Spain will promote the exchange of information and intelligence systems in the fight against doping


The director of the Autoridade Brasileira de Controle of Dopagem (ABCD), Marco Aurelio Klein, visited the headquarters of the Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sport (AEPSAD) to hold meetings with the various departments of the agency. Both agencies that have signed an agreement of mutual cooperation in the field of protection of the health of athletes and the fight against doping, are planning the development of actions related to the implementation of intelligence systems for doping controls, including the exchange of information, experiences, best practices, procedures and technology. The commitment includes the joint organization of courses, seminars Enabling control agents, conference, workshops at national and international level, involving the area of ??intelligence. In addition, both agencies to promote exchanges of information and databases, respecting the legislation. Thanks to the agreement signed, professionals from both agencies will work together for the implementation of intelligence departments facing doping controls in Brazil. More here:

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