Athletes can be tested at all times

In the new suggested World Anti-Doping Code, WADA suggests that athletes must be available for Sample collection at all times.


In the new draft it says: 21.1.2 To be available for Sample collection at all times. This has changed from To be available for Sample Collection [Comment to Article 21.1.2: With due regard to an Athlete’s human rights and privacy, legitimate anti-doping considerations sometimes require Sample collection outside of normal Testing hours. For example, WADA is aware that some Athletes use low doses of EPO in the evening after normal Testing hours so that it will be undetectable when normal Testing hours resume in the morning.] This is a big change for athletes. In the current code WADA or any other organization that can do sample collection, has to do so within normal Testing hours. WADA has not defined in the code what normal Testing hours is.

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