News on doping in sport

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IBU suspends athletes after re-analysis in previous seasons

As officially announced in late November, the IBU pro-actively decided to re-analyze some samples that showed atypical results in the previous seasons and were therefore stored for potential future analysis. As a result, five samples were reported positive for recombinant EPO from the WADA laboratory.

Three brazilian athletics athletes suspended

The Brazilian Athletics Confederation (CBAt) has suspended three athletes for doping rule violations.

AAA Panel Imposes Eight-Year Ban For US Track & Field Coach, Drummond, For Multiple Anti-Doping Rule Violations

Colorado Springs, Colo. (December 17, 2014) – USADA announced today that a three member panel of the American Arbitration Association North American Court of Arbitration for Sport (AAA), rendered its decision in the case of Jon Drummond, of Grand Prairie, Texas, a coach in the sport of track & field sanctioning him for eight years for his doping violations. The independent AAA panel found that Drummond possessed, trafficked, and administered banned performance enhancing substances to an athlete under his care as a coach.

IBU-vice president Taschler steps aside

Vice-president Gottlieb Taschler in the International Biathlon Union (IBU) has decided to step aside while the IBU is investigating media reports stating Taschler has been in contact with doping doctors to help his son Daniel Taschler.

TV-documentary presents evidence of Organized doping in Russia

German ARD TV-documentary presents evidence and statements from insiders about doping and corruption practices in Russian sports

IBU re-analyze samples

The IBU has decided to re-analyze samples that showed atypical results in 2013/ 2014.

Budget rise for WADA

Montreal, November 16, 2014 – The WADA Foundation Board approved a 3% budget increase for the organization from 2015.

Kenya will set up National Anti-Doping Organization

Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) will be set up in the near future. The African nation will get support from Anti-Doping Norway and the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency.

Biathlon won appeal

Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle appealed her two year suspension to the Court of Arbitration for sport and won.

Latvian Biathlon athlete provisionally suspended

The International Biathlon Union has provisionally suspended the Latvian athlete Edgars Pikson for an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.

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